The Career Center building is temporary closed and will reopen next Monday at 8:00am.  You can reach us via our phone at 951-827-3631 if you have any questions or need assistance.  Appointments and drop-ins are available virtually this week.  Please see this link for drop-in schedule this week. Appointments can be scheduled via Handshake link HERE. You can email us at (students) & (employers).  Thank you for your patience.

Connect • Inspire • Empower

Decision Making Model

Career Planning

Find The Career You Were Destined For

Everyone wants a career that they love, but not everyone knows how to plan for it. We can help. Follow these steps to discover the career you'd like to pursue and plan your path. Download a copy of the UCR Career Center's  Career Decision Making Process for a step-by-step approach! 

We recommend that you take the time to explore your VIPS.  If you want to see what career related assessments could tell you, we offer several assessments that could help you find out more about yourself and potentially - the careers that will inspire you. Make a "Career Assessment Question" appointment or visit the Express Career Advising Hours to see if an assessment tool is appropriate for you.  

  • Strong Interest Inventory (SII)
    The SII evaluates your interests and uses them to suggest majors, internships, and careers. The goal is to help you find career options that are satisfying and well suited to what you love. You must meet with a Career Specialist to determine if the SII is right for you. If so, you will receive assessment instructions to take the assessment and be scheduled for a group interpretation appointment.
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    The MBTI looks at your personality type and how it will tie into career options and work relationships. The goal is to help you find a career that is suited to your personality preferences. You must meet with a Career Specialist to determine if the SII is right for you. If so, you will receive assessment instructions to take the assessment and be scheduled for a group interpretation appointment.
  • CareerLeader
    CareerLeader measures patterns of business-related interests, values, and abilities. It is appropriate for students interested in any type of business career, regardless of major. It is recommended that you schedule an appointment with your Career Specialist to review your results. ($20)
  • Focus 2
    Focus 2 is our free assessment tool. It combines career, UCR major exploration, decision making, and action planning. You can log into Handshake and take it right now!  If you would like your results interpreted, please schedule a group assessment interpretation workshop for Focus 2 via Handshake.  

College is the perfect time to explore careers and job options.

  • Use the Career Center’s career exploration resources in Handshake and also this link to find out more about Careers in Your Major. Browse major-related books and handouts, publications about the structure of work, and detailed information about employers. Our career counselors can also help prepare you for job shadowing.
  • Attend on-campus info sessions and panels featuring employers and alumni. Please check our student employment page or Handshake for upcoming sessions.
  • Take into account your assessment results (if needed) and explore professions you may not have previously considered. You may surprise yourself!

Gaining actual work experience is one of the most important elements in career planning.

  • Participate in internships, part-time jobs, seasonal employment, undergraduate research, work-study jobs, volunteer opportunities or any combination of these. Start with searching Handshake job listings for open opportunities.
  • Routinely assess & reassess your VIPS. Update your resume, attend our skill-building workshops (or watch the recordings) and focus on project-driven classes that offer real-world experience.
  • Come to the Career Center to discover additional support and explore our resources. Our Career Specialists can provide you with expert advising and help you gain the experience and skills you desire.
  • Our First Year-Senior Career Plan and College-Specific Milestones are like maps that lead you to your career. They show you which steps to take, when to take them and how to get the most out of the Career Center throughout the process.
  • Use them in tandem to plan ahead and check your progress regularly.

Our professional Career Center staff members can answer questions and offer individual career counseling. Contact us when you need help or you can call our main line (951) 827-3631 during business hours.


Get Individual Career Counseling

Sometimes you just need to talk to an expert! Whether your concern is about choosing a major, finding a job or internship, creating a resume or learning interview etiquette – we can help you. 

Express Career Advising Hours

Sign-up for a 15-minute, same day appointment to get started or answer quick questions. View the schedule at

Make an Appointment

For one-on-one help tailored to your situation, schedule an individual career counseling appointment via Handshake

Get Community Support

Logo: Career Development Programs: Career Development for Specialized Groups

Guiding You to Career Success

UCR's Career Center partners with many other departments to offer a variety of programs to assist all students on their career path, providing guidance on resume writing, job searching and interviewing. The Career Center also provides specialized programming for underrepresented student groups, including students with disabilities (ASPIRE), first-generation college students (ORBITS), undocumented students (Butterfly Project), and student veterans (Operation VETS). Click on the name of the program to learn more about the program and who to contact.

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