The Career Center building is temporary closed and will reopen next Monday at 8:00am.  You can reach us via our phone at 951-827-3631 if you have any questions or need assistance.  Appointments and drop-ins are available virtually this week.  Please see this link for drop-in schedule this week. Appointments can be scheduled via Handshake link HERE. You can email us at (students) & (employers).  Thank you for your patience.

Connect • Inspire • Empower

Becoming a Federal Work-study or LAEP Partner

Federal Work-Study Program 

The Work-Study Program, which includes the Federal Work-Study Program, provides funding granted by the Federal Government  to aid individuals with financial need in achieving  a college education. Federal Work- Study assists employers by paying a portion of a qualified student's wages with the employer paying the remaining balance.

  • Qualifications for the Federal Work-Study Program
    • All on-campus employers are eligible for the Federal Work-Study program. Types of positions an on-campus employer can recruit for under the Federal Work-Study program include:  
      • Federal: all part-time positions that support the internal operations of your department (ie. customer service, administrative, data management, office support) . Splits for 2024-2025 are 65% Work-Study and 35% department funds.

      • Community Service: responsibilities must be primarily supporting and interfacing with the community (beyond UCR community). Splits for 2024-2025 are 75% Work-Study and 25% department funds.

    • Off-campus employers must be a public or private nonprofit organization, submit an agreement, and be approved by the Financial Aid Office. Types of positions an off-campus employer can recruit for under the Federal Work-Study program include: 

      • America Reads:  Reading tutors for K - 6th grade students (ideal for school districts). These positions are 100% funded by Work-Study.

      • America Counts: Math tutors for K – 9th grade students (ideal for school districts). These positions are 100% funded by Work-Study

      • Community Service: responsibilities must be primarily supporting and interfacing with the community. Splits for 2024-2025 are 75% Work-Study and 25% department funds.

      • Federal: all part-time positions that support the internal operations of your department (ie. customer service, administrative, data management, office support) . Splits for 2024-2025 are 65% Work-Study and 35% department funds.
    • If you are an off-campus employer and new to UC Riverside’s Work-Study Program, contact our team to learn more and get started on the agreement process. PLEASE NOTE: Signing of a new agreement is required for all off-campus partners each academic year. 

  • Parameters for the Federal Work-Study Program
    • Employers are encouraged to develop Work-Study positions that will provide students with meaningful learning experiences and help meet their educational or career goals, without displacing or replacing regular employees 

    • The Federal Work-Study Program is available from September to June (see Important Dates & Deadlines below).  

    • Students are eligible for the program based on financial need and are permitted to work up to 19 hours per week during school sessions or up to 39 hours per week during any full week when classes are not in session. In the event a student depletes his or her award, the employer may terminate the student employee, or assume 100% of the hourly wage thereafter. 

Learning Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) 

LAEP is a new, state work-study program that provides funding for education-aligned, career-related employment such as on-campus undergraduate student research or career-aligned off-campus employment. On-campus, undergraduate, student research positions must be at least 51% research-based. Off-campus positions must align with a studentʼs career goals, objectives, or exploration. 

  • On-Campus Employers: Qualifications for the LAEP Program

    All on-campus employers who have research-based positions that meet the criteria below are eligible to participate in the LAEP program. 

    • Criteria for On-Campus LAEP positions:  

      • Research positions will be defined as jobs where students have direct opportunities to participate in academic or scientific research by either conducting and/or assisting their research supervisor/mentor.   

      • Research positions may have other tasks/assignments but the majority of the role must be research based (greater than 50%) 

      • Research must be directed and supervised by faculty or staff member who will determine research requirements 

  • Off-Campus Employers: Qualifications for the LAEP Program

    Off-campus, non-sectarian, non-political organizations may be eligible to participate in LAEP by hosting career-aligned opportunities for UCR students. This includes, public schools, non-profit, and for-profit employers.

    • Criteria for Off-Campus LAEP positions:  

      • The position is educationally beneficial and relates to a studentʼs area of study, career objective, or the exploration of career objectives.

      • The positionʼs employers are capable of providing them with full-time employment opportunities, or opportunities to connect with other employers that are capable of providing students with full-time employment opportunities, within their areas of study after graduation.

      • Positions are directed and supervised by a staff member who will determine the jobʼs requirements.

    UCR is looking for off-campus organizations who would be willing to partner. Please contact our team at to learn more.

  • Student Eligibility for LAEP

    LAEP-funded, on-campus or off-campus, positions that meet the above qualifications can only be offered to Work-Study eligible students. Student eligibility includes:

    • Undergraduate students only 

    • Demonstrate financial need (be Work-Study eligible based on FAFSA results) 

    • Enrolled in at least half-time units 

    • Be considered a CA resident 

    • Maintain satisfactory academic progress 

    • Eligibility to work in the US 

    • Self-certify that this role would help them in their future career goals 

    If you would like to review eligibility for students that are already working with you, please contact Students can check if theyʼre eligible for work-study by contacting Financial Aid at

  • Parameters of the LAEP Program

    LAEP On-campus and Off-campus employers must develop positions that will provide students with meaningful learning experiences and help meet their educational or career goals, either through research for on-campus employers, or through career- aligned opportunities for off-campus employers. 

    Under LAEP, you can:

    • Create new research/employment opportunities.
    • Turn volunteer positions into paid positions.
    • Supplement departmental funding for existing paid positions. 


    All positions must be posted on Handshake and will be reviewed by our team to ensure we are meeting LAEP guidelines. See Hiring a Federal Work-Study or LAEP Student to get started. 

    • If you have already selected a student you’d like to hire for the position and have confirmed with the student their Work-Study eligibility via the student’s Work-Study Eligibility Notification Form, you will still need to post your position as a RESERVED position on Handshake.  

    The LAEP Program is a year-round program which begins a new cycle in the Fall quarter and ends in the Spring quarter. 

    Students are eligible to work up to 19 hours per week during school sessions or up to 39 hours per week during any full week when classes are not in session. 

  • Cost-Share Split per Organization Type

    Positions are funded up to the student's Work-Study allocation for the academic year. If they are working in another Work-Study or LAEP position, this may limit the total number of hours they would be available for your position. In the event a student depletes his or her award, the employer may terminate the student employee, or assume 100% of the hourly wage thereafter.


    On-Campus Employers
    • The program provides 100 percent of the studentʼs compensation.


    Public Schools
    • For LAEP positions with public educational institutions, the program may provide no more than 90 percent of the studentʼs compensation.


    Nonprofit and For-profit Employers
    • For LAEP positions with nonprofit employers, the program may provide no more than 90 percent of the studentʼs compensation.

    • For LAEP positions with for-profit employers, the program may provide no more than 50 percent of the studentʼs compensation.


    LAEP funds are only able to cover wages during regular working hours: Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm. Shift differentials (evening or weekend hours) are not covered through LAEP.

Important Dates & Deadlines 

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